Interpretation is a service providing oral translation from one language to another in the presence of the speakers.

Our INTERPRETATION SERVICES include the following:

Ad hoc interpretation: The most common form of interpretation, used for conversations, visits, at tribunals, etc. The interpreter works between two or three people both ways (from and into the foreign language), several sentences at a time. It is important that participants pause after every sentence or idea so that the interpreter can provide as accurate a translation as possible.
Sworn interpretation: A variant of the above undertaken by a sworn interpreter, authorised by Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to appear before commissioners for oaths, courts, tribunals, etc.
Consecutive interpretation: Carried out at formal occasions such as speeches and press conferences and which translates one way only. The interpreter employs a special form of shorthand to write down large parts of the speech and translate them afterwards for a large audience. This is one of the most difficult forms of interpretation and requires a great deal of practice and a high level of professionalism.
Simultaneous interpretation: Performed at conferences and congresses, making use of special booths. Interpreters usually work in pairs, listening to the speaker via headsets and providing a simultaneous translation into the target language. This type of interpretation permits translations into a variety of languages at the same time, without the loss of time involved in consecutive interpretation. The work is exhausting and interpreters therefore take turns in the booth. Conference participants receive the translation through wireless headsets which allow them to choose the desired target language.
Whispered interpretation (chuchotage) is a form of simultaneous interpretation in which the interpreter whispers into the client’s ear. This highly-personalised service calls not only for a polished technique but also for a great ability in the listener to pay attention to the interpreter despite any background noise.